
For a new Church family, we are blessed to have such a wonderful leadership team. Thanks for taking the time to get to know us!

Pastor Reagan Marsh

Hi! My name is Reagan Marsh, and I have the joy of serving as Pastor-Teacher to RBC. 

A little about me: I love the Bible, and have been given grace to preach it since 1998. I studied at WCCNOBTS, and SBTS, with four years of doctoral work in Puritan theology (TNARS). I trained as a biblical counselor through IBCD and ACBC, and am a Th.M student at CBTS, researching the Puritan/Particular Baptist minister Hercules Collins. You’ll find me to be a former schoolteacher, hopeless bookworm, and all-around Bible nerd.

Kara, my best friend, married me in 2000. I’m still not sure she knew what she signed up for, but she homeschools our children, helps me with biblical counseling, and makes me laugh! Kara’s the glue that holds our family together, and the sweetest grace God’s given me apart from Christ.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, editing Puritan works, playing guitar, and spending time with my family. It’s my life’s work to point sinful people to the glorious, all-sufficient mercy of God, found in Jesus alone, and I am profoundly thankful to do that with our officebearers and congregation.

Hope to see you soon at Reformation!

Blake Gentry, Elder

My name is Blake Gentry, and I have the privilege of serving as an elder at Reformation. I enjoy studying and memorizing the Scriptures, as well as spending time with my family. I have a particular burden for shepherding those who struggle with depression and anxiety, and I love walking alongside believers as they build a solid, comprehensive, and Biblical worldview. God’s Word comes to bear on all areas of life, providing His people with sanctifying guidance, that they may abide in His peace, enjoying and glorifying Him while living in His world!

In the Lord’s exceeding kindness, I’m blessed to get my living through serving Reformation in biblical counseling, pastoral oversight, and proclaiming the glory of Christ in accordance with the Scriptures. I have trained in biblical counseling through IBCD and ACBC, and I’m presently studying at CBTS.

I’ve been married to my excellent wife, Bethany, since 2010. She is the most precious gift I’ve received apart from Christ Himself. Together, we have four children we’re seeking to train up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; it is our utmost desire to raise sons and daughters who walk with Christ.

Alongside the elders at Reformation, I desire to point the world to the mercy, hope, and rest found in Jesus Christ. We hope you’ll join us as we seek to serve the cause of His glorious kingdom!

Chris Jones, Elder

Hi, I’m Chris Jones and I’m thankful to serve as an elder here at Reformation. I met my wife Daniela while stationed in Germany during my Army days. We praise God for giving us 3 children who love Christ. We’ve had the privilege of studying the Scriptures – I completed a BA in Biblical Studies and some masters coursework through Liberty University, while Daniela took classes with Moody Bible Institute. This training laid a good foundation for several years of missionary service in Slovenia and my work as an elder.

My gifting lies in “pinch-hitting,” administration/logistics, prayer, and defending the faith, so I try to serve by focusing on missions, apologetics, and evangelism. I enjoy working with my hands in my appliance business, collecting, selling, and building Lego projects with our kids, Reformed theology, and fellowshipping with our church family. Let me know how I can serve and pray for you!

Shannon McClure, Elder

My name is Shannon McClure. I consider it an honor and a privilege to serve as an elder here at Reformation Baptist Church. I am blessed to be a part of this church family that seeks to honor God, love one another, and learn God’s Word together. I have had training through ACBC for biblical counseling, which has been very beneficial in my daily ministries. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that “All scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” I feel honored that God has called me here to serve as an elder because I believe God’s word is sufficient for calling men to repentance and for equipping the saints.

I have been married to my lovely wife, Nancy, since 1994. She is an amazing woman who is truly a gift from God and a true definition of a helpmate. We have been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Lydia and Amelia, and it has been a joy to watch them grow into incredible young women.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time out in my Father’s beautiful creation by hunting and fishing. Even more so, I enjoy spending time with my family.

My prayer is that God will continue to use us here at Reformation to reach out to and love those in our community and to point a lost world to the one true hope that is Jesus Christ. Hope to see you at Reformation.

Stephen Smith, Deacon

Hello! My name is Stephen Smith, and it is my humble joy to be a deacon at Reformation Baptist Church here in Dalton, GA. To sum me up, “I am a great sinner, and Christ is a great savior!” (John Newton) I am a sinner who has been saved by the grace of God through the death, burial, and resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because He died for me, I am now free to live for Him. It is my absolute joy to be able to walk alongside and serve His people in this congregation, and all who come to worship with us.

The Lord introduced me to my wonderful wife, Samantha, in 2022. She is truly a help meet for me in every way. Ask us how we met sometime. It is one of our favorite stories of God’s providence! I am a chemist by trade; and I enjoy spending my free time delving into scripture, singing psalms and hymns, and reading the writings of old dead guys. If you come to worship with us and need anything, feel free to let me know. I’m the one in the suit.

Come and assemble with us as we gather to honor God in our worship. We aren’t perfect, but we are a reforming congregation who are daily striving to better obey the commands of our perfect Lord. I look forward to seeing you!
